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Very limited seats still open for whale freediving trips! Join us to swim next to these giants of the deep! All participants must be freedive or scuba certified. Tours meet in Ginowan port at 0800 and return to port approx 1530. Still a few dates open for custom charters if you have a group of 4 or more folks!

9th- weather looks great for tomorrow. 5 seats
15th Wed– 4 seats
20th Mon- 3 seats
27 Mon – 2 seats
28th Tues- 2 seats
Dates open for charter Tues 14th Thurs 16th

1st Wed – 7 seats
Mar 11th Sat- 4 seats
Mar 12th Sun- 4 seats
Mar 13th Mon- 6 plus seats
Dates open for charter 2nd, 3rd, 6th,7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, LINK